Looking for Lupines

Another shoulda, coulda, woulda in my life has been to show up in Sugar Hill at the right time to see the lupines. Thank goodness for my 75 New Things because it finally got me heading north on another fine spring morning. Since I’m an early bird I arrived to find all the fields empty. Well, except for the birds. Singing. Talk about perfect. How perfect? Well, let me show you:

Behold, a field of lupines under a cloudless sky.
One lupine trying to stand out…and it did.
Lupines and Buttercups play nicely together.

As I was driving away I had to stop to take this picture by the rock wall enclosing the field:

By my count—and it turns out that I am the one counting—this makes 70 New Things. Since my birthday is in less than a week it’s a good thing I have a few more done because the clock is ticking, Ticking, TICKING…and I’m having such a good time doing some of my coulda, shoulda, wouldas before my birthday.

4 thoughts on “Looking for Lupines

  1. You are a constant inspiration. We went to Sugar Hill at lupine time just last spring. So what’s left on your list?


  2. I LOVE that you have done these 75 (well almost) new things and that you have shared them with all of us! Do you realize that averaged over a year that is one new thing every 4.8666 days. Now THAT is admirable my friend !!


    1. Wow…an inspiration. Hard to fathom, but thanks so much! Consciously trying New Things has been wonderful, especially in the Time of Covid. I only need to do a couple more “things” before my birthday but I’m cutting it close. We shall see if I make it. Fingers crossed!


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